To print any of my invitations the same procedure applies. Follow the directions below and you will be able to print my invitations on your home printer as easy as 1-2-3!!
- First click on the invitation that you would like to print. This will open into a PDF document. You need to have Adobe reader on your computer so it is able to display the invitation on your screen. You can download Adobe reader here. Know that Adobe is a reliable company and you will not download any rubbish with the PDF reader. Most computers already come equipped with this program, but there may be some out there who do not have it installed, in which case you will need to download and install it before viewing my invitations.
- You will see the invitation in duplicate (2 to a sheet) for printing at home. Remember that it should print out exactly as you see it on the screen. Select ‘Print’ from the ‘File’ menu on the top right hand corner of Adobe Reader on your computer screen.
- You now need to decide if you are going to print the invitation in colour or black and white, depending on what type of printer you have. Most of my invitations are designed with lovely colours incorporated. If you only have a black and white printer then you have no choice really and must print with only these 2 colours! Those of you with colour printers can choose the black and white option if you want to. You can print a few different times to figure out which one looks the best!
- Choose the amount of invitations you wish to print. If you have 20 people coming to your party, then it might be an idea to print out 23. This gives you 2 spares and one left over for your scrapbook!
- After you have printed out the invitations, you can fill them out for your guests. Be sure to give them a phone number to RSVP to so that you can plan food and seating etc. Remember that any occasion can be a special occasion when you have a very cool invitation from